When I think of certain Inspirational quotes, I tend to let my imagination follow and come up with the most profound ideas. It reminds me of being a kid, not just a kid in the sense of playfulness, but one who remembers the power of possibility. Leaders in the field of theology ascribe the enlightened state seekers quest is in essence a mirror or door to the bliss we experienced as we forged through our first infant years. Before speech and in conjunction with the formatting of our developmental reflexes, our innocence; suddenly debriefed by untrained parenting and third dimensional outside role models.
Admit tingly, parent figures walk around like Gods, changing the scenery, moving around and seeming to know just what and when We want to eat. When my parents were upset, they produced behaviors that would clear a room, in any social gathering. Yet, they meant 'love' and were really sighting their own formative experience. What also comes along with all this 'love' is the most defecating word "NO". We hear that word 'NO' in such a variety of times and tones that we begin to associate NO with almost every appearance of possibility, including our Name.
Our Name, Wow... we know the field of Psychology has unleashed volumes about the significance and power of name. So much so, name recognition and reposition technique has become part of the best sales trainings and presentation strategies. They utilize the 'love' people have in the sound of their own names. Our Names have meaning to us and when voiced, play a greater force when used along with the insertion of another parental lesson taught. We are in constant interaction with these learning experiences which become so infiltrated with the thought limitations drilled into us by the well intended adults and authority figures in our world. At the same time, in each case we have been sold on something, it becomes part of our growth.
When we graduate into 'Grown Up', we are deemed ready to live the life referred to as the 'Productive Citizen', groomed for society, having an education, a mate, a 2 bedroom starter home in the suburbs, a television set and economical transportation. We work our way up corporate ladders and through failings with the graces of our Faith. For most, even the designer lighting of our Faith is darkened with Ideas and concepts (Belief Systems) that edify IMPOSSIBLE. As most are compelled to stay in a box of ignorance, we are now ready to repeat this process with our own kids, approach a midlife crisis and reflect back wondering "What Happened".
Is there and method, even of madness that can deliver one back the freedom found in childhood experience? What is the solution others that have broken the mold have used? Are there any 'Free Broken Windows'?
Clearly, we have multiple models for success, prosperity and happiness. Hundreds of opportunities in front of us to enroll toward taking back our own power. Motivators from all walks of service and industry from counseling, coaching, religious/science teaching, mental and fitness training and a myriad of holistic wellness and millionaire mindset courses from yoga, meditation to the most simple techniques in 'Stress Reduction'. Many nutritional products have made Industry wind boasting to elevate the brains function allowing brain health to tip the scale of inhibited mental and physical prosperity. Opportunity lives exponentially for those who DECIDE in the moment Enough is Enough.
Through whatever method we enroll with hope to find a different way. The next level to soul evolution or wondrous capacity of mind which will manifest is already in action. To energize, to activate whatever soil you plant new ideas will in time express outward. That is the law. As you press toward understanding the steps up the ladder, the words conveyed will not always entitle a growth experience without 'running the program on your hard drive'. For non-techies, YOU HAVE TO TAKE ACTION! In reflecting on the movie "The Secret", I understand why most people think it's like a genie in a bottle and all will just come. YOU HAVE TO TAKE ACTION.
The most powerful action in an infant's first steps are those moved through imagination. So the message here is to take ideas, sit back for a few minutes a day and exercise your imagination by handing these new concepts and ideas to your inner child. Let your inner child review them for you and allow the 'Knowing of god' be what organizes the pictures and ideas you have taken in. The child sees beyond the words and can convert them into the electronic language of attraction. With the proper blueprint, sink the image deep (Meditate). This will then bring upon you the very connection to the field, energy or creator that gave us the freedom to make choices and express ourselves positively and successfully to the land of our dreams.
Bryan Ridgley (C) Copyright 2012