While the times are surely changing, the streamlining of the Short Sale process per HAFA and as similar to the Wachovia Program now adopted by Well Fargo Bank will be changing the way Agents will be finding these Sellers as well as changing the way these Sellers approach the marketplace and find us.
While distressed Sellers have been difficult for many Agents and other vendors to reach in the past, The HAFA component will likely change the way distressed Sellers affiliate with brokerages and other service providers.
There are two issues which will cause a shift in the initial steps of the process. One is that the Distressed Sellers are more likely to be accessible to their Bank because of all the recent press about “cash for keys” types of credits or even cash paid upfront to facilitate a timely sale.
Secondly, Once Agents find that these Sellers are no longer hiding under the house, in the official setting of governmental reprieve, these Sellers will be handed Pre-approved Short Sale commitments that the Seller in turn will be asked to provide to the Agent of their choice. The Pre-approval will have a net figure, theoretically based on the Short Sales Lenders appraisal, cost guidelines and quotas they configure based on these formulas and areas of individual considerations which a property and Borrower may command.
This all equals a severe change from the considered norm. This is a change which is predicted to also change the mindset of most Borrowers turning Seller. So, to further illustrate this in a more captive manner, let us propose the following questions to the experienced Short Sales Agent...
1. When was the last time you remember a distressed Seller ask you where and how often you advertise their home in the newspaper?
2. Have these distressed Seller’s expressed concern about how completive you might be with commission rates or professional fees?
3. When was the last time a distressed Seller asked you how many homes have you sold in my neighborhood?
If you are an experienced Agent and have listed many a Distressed Property, chances are that you have never heard Sellers have these types of concerns. These concerns are usually associated with a Seller who may have considerable equity in their property. At the very least, they are the concerns one may have while being focused on and invested in the process.
For the most part, this focus and clarity of purpose has been missing for the majority of Agents dealing with distressed Sellers. We have gotten use to dealing with these situations in a manner which we place double attention of enrolling their cooperation and fighting them to ultimately affect a complete hardship package to accompany a purchase agreement.
This recent addition of HAFA on the initial steps a distressed Seller will be prompted is likely to change the entire mindset they will take toward choosing an Agent to represent the Short Sale of their property. With this key, Real Estate Agents will have to step up their prospecting game and be prepared to face the uncommon prospect of having to show their wares like we have with the more traditional equity Seller.
Copyright © Bryan Ridgley
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Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Be Careful Advertising Yourself as a HAFA or Short Sale Specialist
I thought I would help shed light on some myths that are being shared publically by real estate Agents about HAFA, as they may be miss-leading.
It may be known that Agents have a window period to capture as many distressed homeowners as they can, place them under their wing before lenders start referring Affiliates or Servicer referred Agents. The style by which some Agents are lead generating may place them under scrutiny.
Of the many variants I have seen circulating is a mailer or flyer that states “I am a Short Sale Specialist” or “I am a HAFA Specialist and I will get you $3,000 from your Bank to move” Another is “I am a Short Sale Specialist and have all cash Investor Clients that also negotiate with the Bank” (This one being the most litigious in my opinion).
The Department of Real Estate (In the State of California) has placed Deputy Investigators on Duty to harbor the phones for tips and reports on these types of public representations as well as outright Mortgage Fraud.
The pressures are surmounting on many Agents as they try to navigate the Short Sales process, one that none of us can accurately define. We have a working definition on what a Short Sale is, and while HAFA promises help for non-exempt homeowners, many loans are still currently exempt due to factors such as where and how the loans were originated.
While Obama’s program brings promise to many defaulted homeowners, it’s procedural mechanics and guidelines still leave many open doors for miss-haps in closing these deals as lenders may not provide for certain liens and title matters prior to their Short Sale Pre-Approvals.
It is suggested that in the many case files of Investor defaults, the non HAFA zone will continue to exist, making it every Agents responsibility to continue educating themselves on the Short Sale process which is projected to continue throughout the next two to three years.
When advertising yourself as a “Short Sale Specialist” or “Pre-Foreclosure Specialist” or “Consultant”, you are wise to study up on the “Standards of Practice” Articles and in the NAR or Local Associations “Code of Ethics”. The use of the term “Specialist” comes with it an added responsibility of covering all your bases including whatever it is that you may not know that you don’t know.
Lastly, MLS rules prohibit the use of commission reductions due to the pass on cost of a third party Negotiator. While the MLS “Private or Agent remarks” section provides to warn or disclose to Selling Agents that they may share a Bank imposed commission reduction, it is an MLS Violation to directly reduce an commission offering to impose a Negotiator’s fee to the Selling Agent or Buyer.
I have the answer to this too… though you’ll have to look out for my next article.
Copyright © Bryan Ridgley
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It may be known that Agents have a window period to capture as many distressed homeowners as they can, place them under their wing before lenders start referring Affiliates or Servicer referred Agents. The style by which some Agents are lead generating may place them under scrutiny.
Of the many variants I have seen circulating is a mailer or flyer that states “I am a Short Sale Specialist” or “I am a HAFA Specialist and I will get you $3,000 from your Bank to move” Another is “I am a Short Sale Specialist and have all cash Investor Clients that also negotiate with the Bank” (This one being the most litigious in my opinion).
The Department of Real Estate (In the State of California) has placed Deputy Investigators on Duty to harbor the phones for tips and reports on these types of public representations as well as outright Mortgage Fraud.
The pressures are surmounting on many Agents as they try to navigate the Short Sales process, one that none of us can accurately define. We have a working definition on what a Short Sale is, and while HAFA promises help for non-exempt homeowners, many loans are still currently exempt due to factors such as where and how the loans were originated.
While Obama’s program brings promise to many defaulted homeowners, it’s procedural mechanics and guidelines still leave many open doors for miss-haps in closing these deals as lenders may not provide for certain liens and title matters prior to their Short Sale Pre-Approvals.
It is suggested that in the many case files of Investor defaults, the non HAFA zone will continue to exist, making it every Agents responsibility to continue educating themselves on the Short Sale process which is projected to continue throughout the next two to three years.
When advertising yourself as a “Short Sale Specialist” or “Pre-Foreclosure Specialist” or “Consultant”, you are wise to study up on the “Standards of Practice” Articles and in the NAR or Local Associations “Code of Ethics”. The use of the term “Specialist” comes with it an added responsibility of covering all your bases including whatever it is that you may not know that you don’t know.
Lastly, MLS rules prohibit the use of commission reductions due to the pass on cost of a third party Negotiator. While the MLS “Private or Agent remarks” section provides to warn or disclose to Selling Agents that they may share a Bank imposed commission reduction, it is an MLS Violation to directly reduce an commission offering to impose a Negotiator’s fee to the Selling Agent or Buyer.
I have the answer to this too… though you’ll have to look out for my next article.
Copyright © Bryan Ridgley
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What Every Short Sale Agent should Know Today
Ah ha, and its true... Some will, some won't; SO WHAT! The fact is, even when rigorously qualifying these properties and their occupants, not all Short Sales are easy passages. What holds the account for the national stats of Short Sale failures is that we hadn’t as professionals 1. Known the complexities and hoops we would have to account for as any other profession must metamorphose itself from an avalanche of change. 2. We dove in and placed little value or emphasis on Buyer performance until after the Short Sale lender has in fact, approved the sale. 3. The Underwriters are mentality thinking, "That's Backwards"!
There are other learning curves we have taken in the mix of these distressed sales. Junior lien holders, tax liens, HOA judgments and arrearage’s make not be items that will be fully absorbed by the Short Sale lender and must be accounted for.
Another mindset infraction commonly plaguing these transaction is that Agents representing Buyers in these purchases seem to feel it part of their Fiduciary responsibility to keep their Buyer financially and attentively innocent until the Short Sale lender approves the sale. I am always dealing with this question in talks and Seminars I facilitate. I tell Agents with this consideration about the number of Buyers, Sellers and Agents out there that tell the stories we hear when the Short Sales sounded easy, and that were approved in a short amount of time. Stories that truly express the belief that Short Sale property can represent an extra value proposition over its REO competition. There is usually a live Seller that is disclosing what they know about the property, their usually maintaining the property and have not excavated the cabinetry and poured cement down the plumbing drains. There may be value there, enough to justify a Buyers investing four or five hundred dollars to perform an inspection, investigate the property and remove that contingency from the transaction early, even though there exists that risk that the sale may not go through.
Some of us may be rigorously staunch lead generators. If we are, we know to systemize and prioritize our leads to leverage our production percentages. Why would it be any different with regard to the waiting game of short sale process purgatory?
With millions or offers being submitted, depending on the size of the Bank or Servicers, incoming files are opened, processed through some system which favors priority and leverage. These must at many times be sifted out from hundreds of files by someone perhaps not as experienced in making the final dispositions on these sale files.
Regardless of the various styles of this sifting and sorting you can make a serious difference in the timing by which your package sorted into ACTION.
First of all, you would think that the first thing a lender would do is look at all the cool stuff in the Sellers hardship package and place their sole excitement on that above all. The quality of this part of the package though important is secondary in purgatory. Sorry, there are other elements to a swift ready closing that might mean the leveraging of their time.
If the lender does what they are supposed to do in the bigger picture of loss mitigation, a mitigating factor would logically include time. With the old school of Short Sales representation, we place our Sellers (and Buyers) in a nonperforming sale, and then chase an uncommitted Buyer after a Lender Approval many months after contract; we create time in working against us. We do this time after time, though with the many successes we do have with 2nd and 3rd Buyers, we know we eventually get many of these deals closed.
Part of the perpetuating mindset that hoaxes our deals is our insistence that because we are use to working the way of the Old School, that we run the risk of losing our Buyers by asking them to place the very "Skin" in the deal, that may singly be the cause most Short Sales that have been approved within the first 60 days. If this writing creates any kind of movement, my hope is that is causes every Agent in our profession to get some additional mindset training. Then the most knowable of us will prosper quickly. (End)
© 2010 Bryan Ridgley
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There are other learning curves we have taken in the mix of these distressed sales. Junior lien holders, tax liens, HOA judgments and arrearage’s make not be items that will be fully absorbed by the Short Sale lender and must be accounted for.
Another mindset infraction commonly plaguing these transaction is that Agents representing Buyers in these purchases seem to feel it part of their Fiduciary responsibility to keep their Buyer financially and attentively innocent until the Short Sale lender approves the sale. I am always dealing with this question in talks and Seminars I facilitate. I tell Agents with this consideration about the number of Buyers, Sellers and Agents out there that tell the stories we hear when the Short Sales sounded easy, and that were approved in a short amount of time. Stories that truly express the belief that Short Sale property can represent an extra value proposition over its REO competition. There is usually a live Seller that is disclosing what they know about the property, their usually maintaining the property and have not excavated the cabinetry and poured cement down the plumbing drains. There may be value there, enough to justify a Buyers investing four or five hundred dollars to perform an inspection, investigate the property and remove that contingency from the transaction early, even though there exists that risk that the sale may not go through.
Some of us may be rigorously staunch lead generators. If we are, we know to systemize and prioritize our leads to leverage our production percentages. Why would it be any different with regard to the waiting game of short sale process purgatory?
With millions or offers being submitted, depending on the size of the Bank or Servicers, incoming files are opened, processed through some system which favors priority and leverage. These must at many times be sifted out from hundreds of files by someone perhaps not as experienced in making the final dispositions on these sale files.
Regardless of the various styles of this sifting and sorting you can make a serious difference in the timing by which your package sorted into ACTION.
First of all, you would think that the first thing a lender would do is look at all the cool stuff in the Sellers hardship package and place their sole excitement on that above all. The quality of this part of the package though important is secondary in purgatory. Sorry, there are other elements to a swift ready closing that might mean the leveraging of their time.
If the lender does what they are supposed to do in the bigger picture of loss mitigation, a mitigating factor would logically include time. With the old school of Short Sales representation, we place our Sellers (and Buyers) in a nonperforming sale, and then chase an uncommitted Buyer after a Lender Approval many months after contract; we create time in working against us. We do this time after time, though with the many successes we do have with 2nd and 3rd Buyers, we know we eventually get many of these deals closed.
Part of the perpetuating mindset that hoaxes our deals is our insistence that because we are use to working the way of the Old School, that we run the risk of losing our Buyers by asking them to place the very "Skin" in the deal, that may singly be the cause most Short Sales that have been approved within the first 60 days. If this writing creates any kind of movement, my hope is that is causes every Agent in our profession to get some additional mindset training. Then the most knowable of us will prosper quickly. (End)
© 2010 Bryan Ridgley
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Friday, May 14, 2010
Social Network Marketing Lesson 1
We live in exponential times. Whether your online habits are casual or focused, “when you get to it or habitual”, everyone is out there at their own pace, just like on Route 66 or the 101 freeway.
For those that have not reached the new world or online generation, we might be surprised to find out that over 50% of Search Engine entries and results are on the Names of People. People are interested in other People.
It would be easy to pass this off ignorantly thinking, yes… Who isn’t looking for the latest 411 on Celebrities and other Famous People? It may be a significant portion of the majority that utilizes their online experience to be casually entertained. While many Corporations, Business Professions and Online Marketing industries are capitalizing on their Internet presence with a strategy. Others are phishing, spamming and contributing to the online pollution in the same way the masses have polluted the earth; though that’s not the song I intended to sing here.
Like on the portals of Reality TV, we have to ‘get a grip’ that our experiences of online socialization are not a proven science, are as individual as the next person and that while there are multitudes of people entertaining each other and themselves, there are others soliciting, collecting, sorting, search mongering and data basing all of this in the spirit of progress and capitalism.
We are now being taught to be careful of what we say, how we act and responsible we behave online as being online is not the anonymous platform that existed years ago. Corporations and Companies now have Internet Commerce, Social Networking and Advertising budgets, Departments that dedicate their focus on both online presence and Online Mitigation of their Branding Integrity. This at times may include the online behaviors of their associates and employees.
We can learn from the Masters of Branding and market dominance by both putting ourselves out there in an impactful way, as well as placing our ears out there to understand which markets we may be penetrating. In a nut shell the premise may be as easy as asking the question “What are they saying about me?
So your initial task in your quest for Mastery is to simply Google yourself, then Wait for my next article.
Copyright © 2010 Bryan Ridgley
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For those that have not reached the new world or online generation, we might be surprised to find out that over 50% of Search Engine entries and results are on the Names of People. People are interested in other People.
It would be easy to pass this off ignorantly thinking, yes… Who isn’t looking for the latest 411 on Celebrities and other Famous People? It may be a significant portion of the majority that utilizes their online experience to be casually entertained. While many Corporations, Business Professions and Online Marketing industries are capitalizing on their Internet presence with a strategy. Others are phishing, spamming and contributing to the online pollution in the same way the masses have polluted the earth; though that’s not the song I intended to sing here.
Like on the portals of Reality TV, we have to ‘get a grip’ that our experiences of online socialization are not a proven science, are as individual as the next person and that while there are multitudes of people entertaining each other and themselves, there are others soliciting, collecting, sorting, search mongering and data basing all of this in the spirit of progress and capitalism.
We are now being taught to be careful of what we say, how we act and responsible we behave online as being online is not the anonymous platform that existed years ago. Corporations and Companies now have Internet Commerce, Social Networking and Advertising budgets, Departments that dedicate their focus on both online presence and Online Mitigation of their Branding Integrity. This at times may include the online behaviors of their associates and employees.
We can learn from the Masters of Branding and market dominance by both putting ourselves out there in an impactful way, as well as placing our ears out there to understand which markets we may be penetrating. In a nut shell the premise may be as easy as asking the question “What are they saying about me?
So your initial task in your quest for Mastery is to simply Google yourself, then Wait for my next article.
Copyright © 2010 Bryan Ridgley
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Do Not Be Attached To Outcomes
While pursuing our dreams, we know there are others in our paths who are having a rotten day, are not happy with their circumstances in life and who represent an obstacle to our least path of resistance. The Peaceful Warrior at all of life’s battles in the choice we have to make. It is the attention we may place or not place on our ability to rightfully respond to a negative comment with a positively inspirational lead into forwarding the spirit of growth and prosperity, or react to it through our inadequacies that cause us to re-strike, or our needs to be respected, accepted, loved or right.
What we may be missing in our relationships professionally is the map, the standard form or owner’s manual to guiding ourselves productively. We know from the many whom came forward through history and wonder things like, how could Colonel Sanders hear NO 100 times let alone over 1000 times before he heard YES. We have to have a grip here that life is about the choices we make because the choices we make now are the new chains of cause and effect that we forward into our future. It is akin to the Universal Law of Attraction as with other Universal or Natural Law we navigate as we pass through this time zone of physical life. We Share this life with others who by elementary physics have a different point of view and an ever revealing life experience and perception of life, set of values and belief systems as equally unique and individual.
When we are working in a profession that is clearly defined, intimate to specific human needs and producing career vehicle (Maybe even express their passions), we can know up ahead are other humans we must face and even grow with. When we view others with the position of judgment, pre-disposition or expectation, the teachers of life tell us in advance we will be encumbered by disappointment and failing grace. When having a solution that is so obvious that supply and demand markets are so in need, remembering the Big Idea, the Bigger Picture, The Wider View of marketing you is that we work to be compassionate, steadfast to forwarding the positive, the Win/Win, the rightful thinking globally and acting locally and the Torch of leadership to the following generations.
Copyright © Bryan Ridgley
Follow Bryan on LinkedIn Twitter or Facebook Plaxo MySpace Bebo Ezine Articles Kangen Water Drops Yelp
Bryan is both a Real Estate and Health and Wellness Coach and Educator. He is currently available for both personal and group coaching and training in Stress Management, Molecular Hydration and Real Estate Loss Mitigation. He currently lives in Los Angeles and Consults in the real estate, health and legal industries.
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What we may be missing in our relationships professionally is the map, the standard form or owner’s manual to guiding ourselves productively. We know from the many whom came forward through history and wonder things like, how could Colonel Sanders hear NO 100 times let alone over 1000 times before he heard YES. We have to have a grip here that life is about the choices we make because the choices we make now are the new chains of cause and effect that we forward into our future. It is akin to the Universal Law of Attraction as with other Universal or Natural Law we navigate as we pass through this time zone of physical life. We Share this life with others who by elementary physics have a different point of view and an ever revealing life experience and perception of life, set of values and belief systems as equally unique and individual.
When we are working in a profession that is clearly defined, intimate to specific human needs and producing career vehicle (Maybe even express their passions), we can know up ahead are other humans we must face and even grow with. When we view others with the position of judgment, pre-disposition or expectation, the teachers of life tell us in advance we will be encumbered by disappointment and failing grace. When having a solution that is so obvious that supply and demand markets are so in need, remembering the Big Idea, the Bigger Picture, The Wider View of marketing you is that we work to be compassionate, steadfast to forwarding the positive, the Win/Win, the rightful thinking globally and acting locally and the Torch of leadership to the following generations.
Copyright © Bryan Ridgley
Follow Bryan on LinkedIn Twitter or Facebook Plaxo MySpace Bebo Ezine Articles Kangen Water Drops Yelp
Bryan is both a Real Estate and Health and Wellness Coach and Educator. He is currently available for both personal and group coaching and training in Stress Management, Molecular Hydration and Real Estate Loss Mitigation. He currently lives in Los Angeles and Consults in the real estate, health and legal industries.
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